+0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 Defence 39 41 44 48 53 59 67 75 85 98 Magic Item Option Noble Item Option Divine Item Option + 9 ~ 186 Max HP + 1 HP Recovery. + 4 ~ 82 Max MP + 1 MP Recovery + 69 ~ 186 Max HP + 1 HP Recovery + 30 ~ 82 Max MP + 1 MP Recovery + 190 ~ 307 Max HP + 1 HP Recovery + 84 ~ 135 Max MP + 1 MP Recovery.
+0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 Defence 19 20 22 24 27 30 33 39 46 56 Magic Item Option Noble Item Option Divine Item Option + 1 ~ 11 Increased antik Magic Damage + 1 ~. 12 Increased Damage + 1% Curse Damage + 1% Fire Damage + 1% Ice Damage + 1% Lightning Damage + 1% Poison Damage + 1% Attack Speed + 5 ~ 15 Increased Magic Damage + 5 ~ 17 Increased Damage + 1% Curse. Damage + 1% Fire Damage + 1% Ice Damage + 1% Lightning Damage + 1% Poison Damage + 1% Attack Speed + 16 ~ 25 Increased Magic Damage + 17 ~ 27 Increased Damage + 1% Curse Damage + 1% Fire Damage +. 1% Ice Damage + 1% Lightning Damage + 1% Poison Damage + 1% Attack Speed.
+0 +1 +2 +3 +4 +5 +6 +7 +8 +9 Defence 22 23 25 27 30 33 36 42 49 59 Magic Item Option Noble Item Option Divine Item Option + 1 ~ 4 Increase in Defense + 1%. Curse Resistance + 1% Ice Resistance + 1% Lightning Resistance + 1% Poison Resistance + 2 ~ 4 Increase antik in Defense + 1% Curse Resistance + 1% Ice Resistance + 1% Lightning Resistance + 1% Poison antik Resistance + 7 ~ 9 Increase in. Defense + 1% Curse Resistance + 1% Ice Resistance + 1% Lightning Resistance antik + 1% Poison Resistance.
You can use these XHTML tags: <a href="" title=""> <abbr title = ""> <acronym antik title = ""> <blockquote cite = ""> <code> antik <em> <strong>.
Space of Pilgrimage (map drop weapon 130) than it imported. It may take a year or more?!? The procedure for opening the entrance Map "Space of Pilgrimage" Information Map / monsters to Map 150 update armor to Patch Action 6 update every weapon to lvl 145 armor Aloken series. Segnale Bagi Warrior antik armor armor armor armor Vicious Summoner Incar Magician.
Segnale - Information armor Arabesque Set Aloken - Information armor Saffron Set Segita Hunter - Information armor Tempest Set system upgrade items (a plus) data knuckle Gauntlet Segnale - Information armor Tres jour Set unfolding Dekaron rot because of the wireless services. responsibility Vicious Summoner - Information armor Myst Set Azure Knight - Information armor Wolf Armor Set Vicious Summoner - Information armor Ardol Set.
Aloken Armor Azure Knight Bagi Warrior Boots Clip Defence Dekaron Divine Item Glove Gloves Helmet Incar Magician Legend Mage Magic Item Map Monster Noble Item Option Pants PVP Segita Hunter Segnale Vicious Summoner Video Shorts data Monsters weapon clip armor sets green summoner. Gloves swordsmen, archers, mages Baki the Grappler the hat Ramage Shirt Night map.
Game system how to reset Skill system upgrade items (beating) antik System Safety gesture of Emotion a PK and cons of PK system adds Option to item drill holes in a given item guild system Guild. The system stores antik the location of the fishing shop for pet Pet redemption of the Mount system pressure. Dungeon's Instance Dungeon Dead Front map / data monsters Loa Castle (Lv. 2 ~ 8) Braiken Castle antik (Lv. 2 ~ 8) North Morte (Lv. 4 ~ 16) North Ares (Lv. 4 ~ 16. ) Denebe (Lv. 16 ~ 28) Heiharp (Lv. 30 ~ 38) Castor Cave 1F (Lv. 18 ~ 55) Norak Cave 1F (Lv. 17 ~ 55) Requies antik Beach (Lv. 30 ~ 38, 82 ~ 88). Frozen Valley of Vengeance (Lv. 40 ~ 47) Castor antik Cave 2F (Lv. 53 ~ 70) Norak Cave 2F (Lv. 53 ~ 70) Parca Temple (Lv. 42 ~ 58) Crespo (Lv. 50 ~ 70) Draco Desert. (Lv. 69 ~ 83) Avalon Island (Lv. 82 ~ 100) Python Castle (Lv. 82 ~ 102) Tomb of The Black Dragon (Lv. 101 ~ 117) Cursed Maze (Lv. 110 ~ 125) Aquarius (Lv. 117 ~ 127) Acquirai antik Ruins (Lv. 126 ~ 149) Space of Pilgrimage (Lv. 129 ~ 150) The Deadlands (Lv. 145 ~ 162) Quest Quest quests Quest List Simulator Pro calculates EXP collected. antik Commons where the white Pro simulates ups skill / information skills Azure Knight Bagi Warrior Incar Magician antik Vicious Summoner Segita Hunter Segnale Database weapon / shield, sword, Sword sword Great Sword Mace Mace Mace Head Great Mace Axe Axe Axe Head Great Axe Shield Shield is. The Dagger Bow Bow Crossbow Crossbow Scepter Wand staff Staff Sword Twin Twin Sword Whip Blood Whip Whip Gauntlet Spear Spear Armband Arm Guard Information armor Azure Knight Bagi Warrior Incar Magician Vicious Summoner Segita Hunter Segnale Aloken jewelry and other Ring Ring Ring. Wing Wing Necklace Earrings Earring rock Add Option.
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