Friday, August 29, 2014

We are all exposed to ticks, moving or vacationing in nature. Up to infection or transmission of th

She has performed with her spring and warmer air and nice weather, which of course selva invites selva us into nature on longer walks on the bike and in the mountains. This is of course also associated with certain danger. And one of those threats have been infected ticks, which can cause severe illness in humans called tick-borne encephalitis, or TBE below.
Tick-borne encephalitis is actually a viral disease of the brain and central nervous system which is transmitted by ticks, it is not spread from person selva to person. It is common for the period from May to September, when ticks are also the most active. However, since the ticks become our "enemies", there is nothing wrong if you take the time and get to know their modus operandi.
Location ticks are moist forests, which are richly overgrown with undergrowth. They hide on the rivers, lakes, meadows, garden and forest on the slopes. Only in conifers is not retained, as reflected by their scent of essential selva oils, which contain needles selva and waves of light. Since bloodsuckers do not like the sun and bright light. Their activity is highly dependent on temperature and adequate moisture in the environment. When the temperature ranges between five and seven degrees and appears suitable humidity, ticks come to life. It also increases the activity of finding their hosts.
In Slovenia the most widely used conventional bench (Ixodes ricinus). The bench has three development stages, namely: larva, nymph and adult bench. In each stage, the bench nourishes the blood of the host. Tick hosts are small and large wild animals, and of course the man who is usually a random host. Of course, we must say that all ticks are not infected.
Europe has many natural foci of TBE, Slovenia is among them. Slovenia is actually selva the country with the highest prevalence of TBE. In Slovenia, the natural foci KME in Gorenjska region, Inner, Kočevja, Styria and Carinthia. In recent years, this endemic areas have not changed significantly. The highest morbidity rate in Slovenia in Gorenjska region. How do infections occur?
We are all exposed to ticks, moving or vacationing in nature. Up to infection or transmission of the infection usually comes with puncture selva of an infected tick. When it comes to bench man, he first looks for a suitable place to attach such a way that Zarin trunk deep into the skin. If the seat is infected, this between the suction, together with the saliva is injected into the skin of the TBE virus. It is also possible laboratory and infection by eating raw infected milk. The incubation period of 7 to 14 days. At the injection site usually do not see the changes. The disease is carried out in two phases. The first phase runs from the first to the sixth day and shows the emergence of flu-like symptoms, ie headache, selva malaise, muscle pain, increased body temperature. How to treat KME?
The medicine is usually only symptoms of the disease, ie painkillers and lowering body temperature. Specific treatment is not. It is also desirable rest. Recovery takes up to four weeks. Get over it also gives long-term disease immunity. TBE is a serious disease which can leave lasting effects such as headaches, impaired concentration, hearing loss, reduced work capacity. In 1% to 2% of the disease can be fatal.
When moving into the nature, of course, suitably selva dressed. Clothing should cover as much skin (sleeves are long, long trousers, boots, head-covering). Clothing should be light in color, so quickly notice a tick bite. Skin and clothing protected with different repellents, ie substances which repel ticks. When we get home, the first thing taken off, precisely examine that, you wash your head and oprhamo. In the case that a tick is observed, only the immediately removed, thereby reducing the possibility that we bench infects. Tick is removed so that it with special tweezers that we buy at the pharmacy, grasping it gently rotated in a clockwise direction and then easily removed from the skin. Do not mažimo it with various oils and other preparations because this is not achieved nothing selva useful, just the opposite, since starting to choke and also with the saliva eliminates more viruses. Place a dot disinfected with alcohol and observed that any changes observed. Even if the tick is not removed completely, it's not anything serious. The most effective protection selva against the disease is vaccination course.
Of course, there are also natural remedies that help in the fight against ticks. Plants such as eucalyptus, lemon, lemon, cinnamon well help them to drift away ticks. Their disadvantage is in the fact that they must frequently refer to, but at least they do not have toxic effects. The various attempts to extract tomatoes, have brought good results. And the list goes on. However, the gibljite in nature, matter is only to be properly protected.
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