Saturday, August 23, 2014

Slovenia is one of the most deprived areas in Europe due to infection with the virus of ticks and t

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Slovenia is one of the most deprived areas in Europe due to infection with the virus of ticks and tick-borne encephalitis and only last year because of him diagnosed 310 people, representing 15 per 100,000 kare population. The number is also much higher than the previous year. While the borrelia-infected ticks spread almost all over Slovenia, the ticks are infected with the agent of tick-borne meningoencephalitis, the most in the Gorenjska region, Carinthia and in the Ljubljana region. Risk puncture the tick may last from February through to November. Each bench is not infected, but it is necessary to protect against them. How does the application?
Application bench SOS shows the map of Slovenia, which are drawn administrative units, which are colored according kare to the average annual incidence of TBE meningoencefalitisom, in addition, it also provides a weather monitoring in Slovenia and provides information on diseases transmitted by ticks and security options.
Ticks live in the soil: in the grass, kare in a wooded undergrowth along forest trails in the bush moist mixed forests on the edges of clearings, kare meadows along the rivers and in the swamps, on the overgrown, kare uncultivated areas, the nesting birds.
Most ticks at altitudes up to 600 m in high-altitude areas are otherwise less, but in Slovenia can be found at altitudes up to 1,500 m. Ticks live in the soil where prey on warm-blooded hosts. When perceived through the senses of man, lie down on it, but also a man walking brushing against vegetation and unknowingly taking with him carried away by ticks. How to protect against ticks? kare
When you are going to use it the nature of bright clothing of smooth material which ticks impossible to grip. Even clothing sprayed with repellent, preferably along the edges of pants, socks and other top places where ticks like biting.
One of the ways of repelling ticks, the use of protective chemical agents - repellents to drive away insects. During repellents include some essential oils (citronella oil, lavender oil and klinčkovo), pyrethrins (insects harmful substances of vegetable origin) and dimetilftalat and dietiltoulamid (DEET), substances that are found in pharmaceutical preparations. Repellents are commercially available in the form of ointments, kare sprays, gels, lotions, kare etc.. They are spread by skin to disclose and / or sprayed under clothing. There are also electronic repellent that you attach to clothing and emit a high frequency sound, which repels ticks. We need to apply repellents according to the manufacturer's instructions. In any event, we should not rely on the mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, nose) nor wounds or damaged skin, using, we need to be careful even with small children. The effect of repellents only takes a few hours, even in windy or humid weather, so we need every few hours re-apply. If you sweat heavily or hang out in the water, we have several skin dry and re-lubricate. Repellent always be applied over the protective cream against the sun.
It is best if protected with clothing and repellent, kare after returning home are thoroughly screened, remove any solid particles that accumulate ticks are stuširamo, wash your hair and wash clothes. How does the development of the disease?
First phase: Symptoms first phase of TBE arise mainly from seven to 14 days after infection. They appear insignificant problems, such as malaise, myalgia, fever, headache, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea. This phase lasts up to six days. Followed by free interval, which can take up to two weeks separating the two phases. During this time, patients are usually no problems or have a mild headache. Second phase: kare It starts with a high temperature, headache, vomiting, kare and sometimes unconsciousness. In order to facilitate the difficulties he required hospitalization, which takes different lengths of time, depending on the degree kare of localization and impairment of the central nervous system. The outcome of the disease is usually good, although the disease can be fatal. It is possible the occurrence of paralysis of the muscles, which can remain sustainable, but nearly a third of patients diagnosed health problems last for several kare months.
The second phase of the disease in adults can be divided into the following three forms: meningitis (inflammation of the meninges): For meningitis is characterized kare by headache, fever, nausea or vomiting, and neck stiffness. The patient is often interfere with light. They are usually recover without permanent sequelae. Direct fatal danger. Encephalitis (encephalitis = ar

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