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Most lst Business Fyn Perhaps legal hottest day: Ends with thunder Two 18-rich stabbed p Central Station Cheap l: Bulgaria wins test - again Obama: We tortured some people after 9/11, despite matches: Experts No forward plane wreck Flight: Your suitcase shelving fr bank Four out of 10 parents: Good idea to GPS overvge children Female dd after pkrsel in ped ngerfelt in Taastrup Sunday: Chance of local cloudburst on Funen Heating prisoners: Probation foreslr solfilm
Latest News Business Fyn 2014-08-02 14:26 Every other store is rooted in tax payments 2014-08-02 10:19 Frre Danish youth will be unto hndvrker 2014-08-02 07:19 U.S. gives 1.3 billion for Israeli missile defense 2014-08-02 04:25 Praise for Grkenland: Svre reforms pay off 2014-08-01 22:38 Expert: Argentina is still not bankrupt 2014-08 -01 22:30 Experts: IBM System shelving should have discovered the hush-hush klilde 2014-08-01 22:29 Judge criticizes shelving Argentina for half-truths 2014-08-01 15:03 U.S. non-farm payrolls surprise negatively 2014-08-01 14: 40 Hit by 150 kg steel: A tragic accident, says Labour Inspection 2014-08-01 13:39 Man killed: Accident on business in Rings
consecrated in the Cathedral
Employees on Mondi in Nyborg is furious shelving at the owner's treatment of them. The production staff on plastic factory Mondi Packaging went Igri strike and continues arbejdsnedlggelsen today. The 140 timelnnede employees shelving are unhappy with the treatment that management and ownership have exposed them to in connection with the closure of the company, and they are backed by their union, 3F. - The group is fuldstndig care about people who have worked for them for 20 r It's only about money, says Jan Johansen, Deputy Chairman of 3F stfyn. The anger is because Mondi iflge employees IGR morning shelving afbrd statutory negotiations concerning the closure and swept the track record of the table.
Ls also: Nyborg factory closes in r Closes in September the same time erklrede we all went out September 30 instead of the originally planned gradual closure towards the New Year. The only patch was a small fratrdelsesgodtgrelse p 8.000 kroner to those who persist until the very last day. - They've done it's cheap as it has been possible GRE, says union Erik Petersen. Jan Johansen, who has frt forhanlingerne employees are angry: - It has been the sham negotiations. We have sat and filet back and forth without n very far. Now they s swept everything off the table and completed the negotiations, he said. He believes that Mondi have negotiated because it is a requirement in the legislation. Now the company has complied with all the formalities without shelving even having had the will to hjlpe employees out.
Ls also: Mayor: - Sad if Mondi closes strigsk decree - Many have taken it very hard in. They had expected that the company would hjlpe them on to other work sdaN that we were promised shelving from the beginning. It's Yet, sadly, to see it all end sdaN, says union Erik Petersen, who says that several of his colleagues have collapsed. - The only thing people have given after 20 years of work, is frankly a kick Irven, shelving adds Jan Johansen P the last, very short forhandlingsmde announced the local management that the sudden closure was due to a decree from the headquarters in strig. - I've shelving never experienced anything like it. The vast majority of employers have good ethics, when they are turned on to dismiss. But it has not vret record the event, says Jan Johansen. It has not vret possible to get a comment from Mondis management of the attacks. Director Claus Mogensen says, as usual, that he has not befjelser to comment, referring to the head office shelving in Vienna, where it has not vret possible to get a comment. Ls throughout the Funen Publishing Corporation, and Funen County newspaper on mitfyn.dk Prv Rights Reserved Funen or Fyn County Newspaper FREE for 21 days
Kl. 11:48
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