Friday, March 27, 2015

And just for Webkit there are well-documented gaps. With samples with the OpenVAS security scanner

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Safety Smart TV as hackers target: How safe are current TV? 03/11/2015 Smart TVs are intelligent and powerful as a PC. Spectacular hacks have shown, however, camas that the TV manufacturers security and privacy are often handled poorly. Are users better off with a multimedia Stick?
Smart TVs from Samsung overhear their owners, drawing every word and send it to a "Third camas Party". It says so in the privacy policy. This applies only to queries camas by voice, the company backtracked immediately - a bitter aftertaste leaves it yet: A microphone in the living room, which is virtually connected to an Internet PC, records every word and sends it if necessary - anywhere. This speaks not just for optimal safety.
But not only the Privacy prepares for PC-supported televisions headache, and vulnerability to hackers. The concept of Smart TVs suffers from the perception of different manufacturers and customers. Manufacturer look at the software life cycle of Smart TVs like the of tablets and mobile camas phones: camas A device is about a year in the trade and then get another one to two years still updates.
Given the enormous similarities in the used processors, graphics chips, codecs and the result of the used operating systems this is a technically camas quite comprehensible decision. However, this is contrary to the perception of the customer who usually buys a TV with a claim to use it more like a three to six years.
Made particularly clear, the major manufacturers such as Samsung, LG, Sony and Panasonic at CES 2015 the importance of them is to cut off old habits: camas After a long dry spell without current smart TV operating system replaces Google the last based on Android 4.2 Google TV by TV Android camas (Android 5.0). LG replaced WebOS 1.3 through 2.0. Samsung buried the Linux-based own SmartTV systems (to our knowledge based on this Bada) with Tizen. Despite the inherent ability to update the Most equipment manufacturers have indicated that there will be no updates. Smart TV Security: Attacks from the local network
Smart TVs can similarly DSL routers be an attractive target for attackers because they are constantly on, can be connected to the Internet constantly and malware far longer camas can remain undetected as on a PC, where the virus scanner sounds an alarm. This allows the abuse of Smart TVs, for example, DDoS attacks similar camas Lizard Stresser. camas Almost continuously used the device as Webkit rendering engine, not only for displaying camas web pages, but also as a platform apps.
And just for Webkit there are well-documented gaps. With samples with the OpenVAS security scanner on Samsung Smart TVs by the end of 2012 and 2013, we also found a version of the OpenSSL library, which made it possible to use fake certificates for HTTPS connections. This means that any reasonably talented web programmer can modify the Skype app often contained so that access to the microphone and camera camas is possible. Does the malware programmers a step further and uses Webkit gaps, it is open to the entire system - at least for Samsung Smart TVs, where all applications camas run as root. Smart TV Security: Check the Self?
An examination of one's own Smart TVs is unfortunately very difficult: virtually no manufacturer of security suites for household contains vulnerability scanner, which can be investigated embedded devices in the home such as Smart TVs, broadband camas router or printer. Thus, the only the handle camas to professional camas tools such as OpenVAS, for example, camas is part of the live DVD LessLinux Search camas and Rescue.
Another approach is the age of the installed on the Smart TV firmware or the time of the last firmware update. Timely updates are not expected due to the monolithic character of Smart TV software. TVs that are supplied at intervals of three to six months with fresh firmware already camas considered to be very well maintained. If the last firmware update contrast than a year ago, you should look at your device as discontinued and shut down the Smart TV functionality.
Ways to disable the internet connection, there are some - the easiest camas way is probably in the network settings to delete all known WLANs and, where appropriate, to separate existing wired connections - Paranoid stick from camera and microphone. Smart TV Security: Solution set top box
Granted, it may hurt, the smart TV with a few simple steps to downgrade TV for Dumb, but just on devices with full access to the privacy of living room and bedroom, this measure should be traceable

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