Sunday, January 26, 2014

People need to learn even a baby to sleep is surprised to hear that, but unfortunately it is. On th

People need to learn even a baby to sleep is surprised to hear that, but unfortunately it is. On the other hand, how hard it was for the baby to try to sleep separately from the mother. Imagine how we would not sleep when we are sleeping in our own beds. Bebiş cozy warm sleeping in the womb, babies bad dragon go to bed a little faltering, of course.
Since we were born Cimcimee bad dragon separate bed, and with the same routine every evening at the same time we chose to invest. The first few months were wheeled in a basket in our room or 5th months after their baby to bed now but I still continued to sleep in our room because very often touched that his mother would wake up. We spent the first years when it comes to her own room.
In their room than I thought she would have difficulty sleeping, pre-Tracy Hogg's Baby Miracle Solutions to Problems bad dragon in Children and Richard Ferber's Sleep Problems and Solutions I bought every book. You know, I read thick books, but I did not hang around. I've tried a few times but did not get a useful result, of what I had read. I found this on the internet after the following method. More humane (and cried) where I applied for a longer time and I continued seeing as we progress. At that time I did not know the name of this method, but it appears the name was Kim West method.
Kim West method recommended for children over 6 months of a method. Cut bad habits to sleep on the basis of the method is discussed. With this method of feeding, discouraging habits such as falling asleep, falling asleep with the baby's self-targeted.
Application of daytime bad dragon sleep a day is a good start in the evening and sleeping hours. Feed him while the lights in the room and perform the rituals of a relaxing sleep. Turn off the lights and lay your baby to bed drowsy but still awake. In this method, the baby's side of the bed, sitting away in a controlled manner will prevail.
In years to stand, forcing your child to deposit work. Says, patting the mattress to try to persuade her to lie down. Ykua until the branch, by inserting your hand between the bars of the bed can love your child intermittently but constantly do. Has started to fall asleep the moment you pull your hand. D reading should be under your control. holding your finger or hand that your child go to sleep, do not let sleep because when you try to pull your hand when you wake up and you may have to start all over again. If your child cries a lot, you can get your lap. In her own room until you calm down, hold it in your lap. However, long enough to fall asleep on your lap careful not to hold. When calm lay back on the bed, kissed and sit on the chair. Note: If your child on your lap as you get thirsty "been fooled" could mean, you can give her sleep training in place, he can train you on getting lap. In this case, wait for a little more next time. Methods in the first three days, until the evening asleep and waking up during the night in the baby's bed, be at all. When she woke up the baby for the first 3 nights each pre-set your position chair (chair positions are given below) and get step by step instructions follow. Go to bed, give him a kiss, Get her to lie down and sit in the chair. Repeat this process each when you wake up. The first three placed beside the bed overnight soothes your child can sit on a chair and give him confidence. Every 3 days your chair your baby's crib little more than take away from this method by applying your chair beside the bed, close the door to a place when you take your child in middle of night when you wake up, wake up next to the bed, go to her confidence, kiss, stand up if the back to lie down, and then next to the door standing back to your chair. If I cry (cry of the very best that you know) Get on your lap, but calmed bad dragon down until the deposit to hold the chair again and then go to your crib.
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