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vfxinfo reproduced, please indicate the original source of the original author: ArthurChiu using software: Houdini Arnold belongs to the original mondi author ArthurChiu all authors Home Links: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_7ecf408b0101p0o8.html recently been studying mondi a sets high controllability, making large areas of vegetation efficient processes to meet Arnold do this renderer to render the current commercial plug-ins such as Speedtree, mondi Max Multiscatter can implement such features, including Vue, but its controllability to says there are still restrictions, the effect can be achieved also has some limitations, so I studied with Arnold set about using Houdini to render the production process of vegetation (Figure actual rendering resolution of 4k, due to the restrictions, this picture shows 1k resolution rate).
As we all know, the use of proxy distribution is one of the effective ways to achieve macro scene, Arnold also provides a corresponding function, Archive, Max platform similar in function plug Multiscatter efficient distribution agents, and also provide a lot of the market Vegetation library Max scene, so you want in this renderer uses Arnold, you have to convert max file into a common data format, such as Obj, Fbx or Abc, then made into Ass file as Arnold proxy objects, I will jump here over the conversion process, the result of the conversion to import Maya below:
The result rendered nearly four hours, using the default standard material, opens Backlight and SSS, rendering mondi slow due to a large number of leaves with transparent textures, mondi this advantage is not Arnold, mondi so long as the transparent textures of objects conversion model into an entity can solve the problem, but after I tested later found a large amount of data which converted amazing, can reach more than 2 G data, even if the file is converted into Ass very large huge, then I think particle or point to proxy these leaves, after the test results are satisfactory and feasible, then if the specific operating it? In fact, the conversion process is very simple, with a leaf as an example, as shown below:
The problems involved in the conversion nothing more than 3:00, the position, size and orientation, can be used toward the N (normal) to replace the Houdini, the method described here, we have simplified with instructions to replace 0,1,2,3 Point1, 2 , position 3, with "-" alternative explanation subtraction, here we specifically under this algorithm, using (0-1) / 2 to obtain location information, use a fork 0-2 0-1 to get a normal vector multiplied by Length (0-3) to obtain information on the size of the leaves, you can also go in the Maya calculated by the expression, the particle properties there Aim property (this can be utilized), return mondi to the previous topic, through the calculation so that you can perfectly convert solid model, the results as shown below:
Figures A and B are displayed mondi under Houdini distribution agent showing results after importing Maya is:
The author, through observation and research, and ultimately decided to use physical mondi agents to distribute needles way, and taking into account the machine configuration mondi restrictions, not every conifer as an example, have to use more than one instance of the cluster needles for distributed processing, however this The approach will reduce the degree of reduction, each needle should have different properties, such as color, if the practice of multi-cluster coniferous features will obviously reduce biodiversity, the author chose to build a dynamic model by pine SpeedTree, in the production, in order to achieve better dynamic effects, it is necessary to restore a higher degree models, the author under the existing 16G memory limit can be achieved following figure shows:
Next, we derive the trunk and needles ass proxy file, as is done dynamically, so you need to export ass files frame by frame, and in the production of animated agents with the most troublesome issues in its motion blur can not program interpolation of the information mondi generated, so here I used way is to export ass file with motion blur information, of course, making vague way to put the latter do, I here just an extreme test it, the biggest problem of this approach Modify the problem lies, it is impossible mondi to do once every modification, re-generate the ass file, which is very time-consuming, so in actual projects, if you need to export ass sequence file with vague information on the best in test in previs good lens and fuzzy values (including mating mondi and post), of course, this process is not necessarily mondi the most accurate and effective (if there is a better way, I hope we can discuss ......)
2.Arnold uses a Monte Carlo algorithm renderer, no photon map, and therefore more suitable for dynamic scenes, so as to render mondi the scene play its big advantage, rendering all of the above picture is just to test it, and then the effect does not depth adjustment, because the production process is discussed here, someone will ask why a simple proxy to do it in the next Houdini? In fact, for highly controllable, mondi any property can be modified mondi in the next Houdini agent and passed to Arnold Lane, and can achieve more complex Agent dynamic effects, such as leaves fall, thousand arrows shot, a mighty force, etc. These I will continue to update mondi the technology out, so stay tuned ............. mondi
Pipeline Winter 2013 from Eric Sterman glsl :: iridescent shader Demo Reel 2014 from Jeff Budsberg
January 15, 2014 special effects scenes to resolve, movie scenes
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