Monday, May 5, 2014

On the basis of this or that situation, depending on what you want to implement in your future inte

Old furniture in the new interior "Svetlana Romanova House
Let us consider the standard life situation: the majority of publications on interior design and elaborate finish considering space "from scratch." That is, initially it - completely empty room where all the furniture and pick procured tok in accordance with design ideas.
Meanwhile, people tend to already have some things and not everyone is ready to throw them in the trash. Sometimes new just can not be money, and sometimes - old is tough enough, and just - you got used to them. Or for example, you realize that what is being sold in stores now - or good quality, but - very expensive; or - the budget, but on quality - not comme il faut.
Again - this is old furniture: natural materials in the manufacture and quality of work - not an example of modern mass consumption. It happens that the old things tok are precious and all ancient antiques - if you so, I congratulate you - you are very lucky!
The first thing that is required to do in this situation - it is "evaluate" their own furniture, you want to save in the future interior; critical biased tok view on the subject: that of all that, I really want to keep in the new interior? And from what - it's time to get rid of? And it's your decision will affect another factor: the physical tok condition of the furniture. There are likely, perhaps three main states battered furniture: perfect condition tok (and appearance, and strength design) requires partial "support" intervention (give a little gloss and stiffness check somewhere constructive case) need furniture restoration, tok even - if you just going to change the upholstery on the couch.
If your furniture requires partial repair or restoration, think about who will do it and where it will be done. In any case, the period of repair facilities, which will be located in the furniture, the furniture itself is not just desirable, but rather - it is necessary to remove from there. Immediately raises the question - where is it? So, if you plan on that repair and restoration of your furniture will be handled by professionals in carpentry, the repair period tok rooms - the best and most convenient times.
The second thing to do - you need to classify own furniture style: for each subject separately (unless, of course, this is not a complete dinette chairs from 12 Gambs work :)) In this case, most likely, you will thoroughly know and style furniture, and the date of its production. If the "family tree" of your furniture is not as "transparent", it does not necessarily cause for this appraiser furniture. Do this at least - about: the characteristic detail and elements of furniture.
Most of all - old, and just - old furniture in your future interior design will play a role accent (If you so much want to keep it!) This means that the interior of such furniture we do - as a backdrop for all this our beauty. And to make this background we can - also different.
On the basis of this or that situation, depending on what you want to implement in your future interior, you have the option of several stylistic solutions: full compliance with the style of the furniture: you think through your interior design precisely in the stylistic direction tok that you already tok Specifies the style of furniture. This is especially true - if all your furniture - in the same style. partial matching style furniture: If your furniture is not one style, tok but nevertheless - it's all old; and for you it is - all the interesting and beloved! In this case, you can build your interior design based on eclecticism - a mixture of styles within the classical styles. Or - pay attention to such historical styles in which such confusion was already initially provided inlaid furniture. For example, it is very important to British styles. Within them inherently that no furniture is never thrown away, passed from generation to generation, and even buy more. So there's always was a question about how to visually unify "unsuited" stylistic furniture. complete mismatch style furniture: Do you understand that the furniture - yes, exactly like yours, but you absolutely do not want to duplicate the style in the decoration of all rooms in the complex. Like modern concise finish, smooth walls without frills, laconic pastel range of colors in the design space ... Yes, this combination too - maybe! We also need a background for our furniture? tok Such an approach to the issue - also gives us the opportunity to create a beautiful backdrop, tok and as a result - elegant and interesting interior. Moreover, tok at this time is that the Naib

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