Monday, September 30, 2013

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Ideally located 63 square meters cottage Grafningur way down the lake, and a 30 square bátaskýlis. bench Cottage stands on 4,210 square eignarlóð and can easily build the house or build a new house on the site. The cottage stands in a particularly beautiful view point in a small cove south of the lake (Hell Brunswick). The view there is all mountains to the sea, and all facing the lake. When the sun is in the air is no downfall her true solar sites. You can follow the sun's course on platforms around the cabin. Beauty of evening sun, the water is indescribable. Great gain in Lodi considerably by large trees and great fishing in the lake front. Few cottages are in the area and the outermost of these, where the road ends, a good approach. In 30 years, horses were kept in summer grazing on the farm for 5 minutes. The main trátegundir are pine, birch, spruce, willow, poplar and elri. Contents may be. Sofa, 4 armchairs, coffee table, boðrstofuborð. 8 slapping chairs, sofa, sleeping 2 benches, 2 beds, chest of drawers, cabinets and more. Furniture on a platform may follow. Two two-seater benches, 4 armchairs, 3 small tables, 2 large table 8 ordinary chairs, large, gas heat lamp. About 30 minutes drive from Rauðavatn lake dwelling.
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It is said ... These fountains ... the Ingólfstorg never acted properly - spews water down but not up and water cut is mainly used for scrap. Comment> ... that Susanne Althing, the Danish woman who lost cats from private jet at Reykjavik, is a member of the Adventure Club women in Denmark, Kvinde Lige Eventyr Eres Klub, and describes bench itself as such: Profession: Eksportør bench Optaget i Klubben: 1986 Fødselsdato: 17 - 01-1959 Californie 1975-76 - Exchange Student Steward Esse på krydstogtskibe, 1983-84, 1987 Folkerepublikken Kina 1984-85 New York 1985-86 Berlin Frankfurt 1989-91 1991-1997 1997-99 London Bosiddende in Gibraltar Mine most Eventyr Lige oplevelse Har inkluderet : - at krydse Stille Haven Skiba - at gennemsejle Panama Kanalen - at opleve Nepal jungle - at bo i Folkerepublikken China 1980'erne - Vi 2000 udlændinge mixture 1 milliard kinesere - at opleve Alaska, bench et of Verdens aller seagull este STEDEN whispers du spoerger Me - at opleve Bali midt om på natten motorcykel - generelt at opleve Dennett klodes held utrolige mangfoldighed Comments> ... the editor Fjarðarpóstins in Hafnarfirði was calculated incorrectly and had to replace the front page of his paper which led 45 minutes of news headlines of power failure. Comments>
Most Popular "but I was not with the internet ..." News of the veiðiþjófum Grenlæk in Landsbreach flies like fiskisaga the countryside, not least ... Furious with BUBBA: "I am furious with Bubba being to carry out this slander on the Internet," says Johann Hauksson, ... Block-based in the wrong place - remember the 5 meter, "which is not to happen, happens sometimes," says Thord Búason building representative of Seltjarnarn ... Suitable sculpture sincerely, FTIR: Upstairs's foot and fit at a meeting menningarnefndar Seltjarnarnes recently bench when it was discovered that there ... The coffin scandal Fossvogur: European cemetery in Reykjavik decided at its meeting earlier this week to conduct investigations ...
It is said ... That ... is so much to do on Skóvinnutofu Hafþórs office and the Hafþór could work from eight in the morning until ten o'clock at night every day of the week - and always had plenty to do. Comment> ... that three nationally famous Icelanders let it be long past work for sleep last night to replace bench the profile bench picture of themselves on Facebook; Brynja Þorgeirsdóttir Tv Lara boulders Björnsdóttir writer and photographer Bonni. Comment> ... that Gisli Kristjansson, reporters broadcasting in Norway, has taken on the merits when he described the development of cultural centers in the small town in Norway, which is to end in a disaster - Gisli is quite at par with Christian R. Olafsson in Madrid which has hitherto worn by the correspondent host state. Comment> ... interview with Hannes Holmstein Gissurarson in the spotlight of State was historic posts in a decade long struggle of homosexuals in Iceland, where he said he could not be inside the cabinet - but with the skin. See! Comments>

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